What I Do
How Can I Help?
What I Do
Helen has experience and knowledge in the following fields:
Urban and rural development control
Site finding, investigation and appraisals of development potential
Pre-application advice and negotiation of planning issues
Advice on listed buildings and other heritage assets
Heritage impact statements and conservation area assessments
Rural planning issues and Class Q barn conversions
Preparation and submission of the full range of planning applications
Major projects, project management and Environmental Impact Assessment
Lawful Development Certificates
Prior Notifications
Enforcement and planning law
Negotiation with local planning authorities (financial contributions/s.106 agreements etc)
Appeals and inquiries
Turn key packages
As principal of the practice, in this instance I will undertake the work myself, in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Royal Town Planning Institute. I should point out that neither the local authority planning officers, nor the elected members, need accept the advice that I provide to you, or the submissions I make to them. Whilst the elected members are expected to follow their officers’ advice, they are not legally bound to do so. However, it is a reasonable expectation that the Council’s decision will be made in accordance with the officers’ recommendation, and it is a statutory requirement that a decision is made in accordance with the policies of the development plan and Government advice, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.
A refusal may not be the end of the road.. The right of appeal is one of the most important features of the planning system and planning appeals form a significant part of our workload. An appeal can also be a key part of a planning strategy – sometimes you don’t know if you have maximised the development potential of a site unless you have tested the limits on appeal. Sometimes an appeal is the only way of overcoming a local “political” objection. Don’t forget you only get 6-months to appeal a planning decision (12 weeks for a householder application) so if you have recently had a refusal don’t delay call Visionary Planning UK for advice. We are happy to appraise your refusal.
Systems and
Visionary Planning UK can guide you through UK planning focusing on the outcome and not the process. We consider the bigger picture and establish the right rationale, providing commercially astute strategies and solutions for all your projects, large and small. We ask questions such as: What are the precise planning and commercial objectives? Where might problems arise? How might we tackle them? What current and new planning legislation and policy might apply? We formulate strategies, and programmes that exceed our clients’ expectations.
Not sure where
to start?
Simply email us at: or call us on 07729389847 for a free 20 minute call. We are happy to provide a written quote. All services will be undertaken in accordance with the Code of Professional Conduct of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Visionary Planning UK will discuss with the client at the beginning of the instructions the likely scope and extent of the work and the level of fees. Formal written confirmation of the fees will be provided to the client before any work commences. Fees are calculated for each particular project and can be charged on the basis of the time spent or a fixed fee may be agreed. In almost all instances we will propose a fixed fee so that there is certainty for the client. The fees will include travelling expenses, all correspondence and representations on your behalf. Unforeseen expenses or sizeable disbursement costs may be added to the account but these will be discussed with the client as early as possible, and certainly before they are incurred. The fees will not include any statutory fees, legal fees or the fees of any other experts or consultants that may be needed for a particular project. These will again be discussed with the client as early as possible, and certainly before they are incurred.
Our 'Turn Key'
Our in-house skills, knowledge and experience enable us to provide you with a complete 'Turn-Key' package for developers including Investor packs and basic GDV calculations. We can negotiate with Vendors on your behalf and offer creative solutions to secure your potential investments until planning consent is in place. Contact us to discuss your requirements.
Our Business:
Creating positive solutions
Our site appraisal and feasibility study is aimed at developers, landowners and commercial property owners. We will appraise your site or building to see if what you want to do is policy compliant and to assess constraints so that we can de-risk your planning application. We can also suggest creative solutions to maximise your asset. Ask us how we can help you!
Our Mission:
Planning applications
We offer full support from conception to decision and beyond. We can discharge your conditions and negotiate your S.106 agreements. We adopt a proactive and pragmatic approach working with other specialist providers when required.